Everything Outdoors with Chalen

A Very Good Tent

by , on
February 2, 2023

We should get a new tent,
Ours is old and worn and spent,

Last Year it started leaking slightly,
On a trip where it rained nightly,

And long before that we had to tape,
One of the poles to keep its shape,

The zipper won’t zip more than halfway,
Leaving nothing to keep the mosquitos at bay,

Once on a trip in the bitter cold,
We accidentally melted a hole,

And once when we were hiking out,
We lost the stakes and now go without,

A hundred trips this tent has borne,
And for its trouble is looking worn,

Time for a new one, maybe bigger,
But now that I’m ready to pull the trigger,

With all the trips that have came and went,
It really still is a Very Good Tent.

Oldest Trick In the Water

by , on
October 21, 2022

Every angler falls for the waters’ dirty trick,
When hooked into a big one in lake or pond or crick,
First the rods bends
But soon the fight ends
For alas, it was only a stick.