Everything Outdoors with Chalen

For those that don’t know me personally, I’m a young guy, 30 years old as I sit writing this. I’ve been incredibly fortunate to have some fascinating experiences in my brief time on earth, but I have goals and ideas for what I want to accomplish while I’m able. As I sat down last year, staring 30 in the eye, and starting thinking hard about what I wanted over the next few years. I’m not a huge believer in setting goals more than 5 years out, too many variables. But I set one this past year that may push out 20 years, and I’ve never been more excited. I’m going to catch fish in all 50 states before I turn 50.

20 years to catch fish all over the country feels like some good lead time, and having a number of states in the bag already definitely helps. Through my travels in my youth and as an adult, I’ve been blessed to catch more fish than bear remembering in my home state of Missouri, as well as finding success in Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Illinois. Six states isn’t much of a head start, but I’ve got plans to add several this year, and not slow down.

Some of these states will result in amazing stories of triumph and tribulations, epic adventures on par with the best of angling lore. But some states will be a quick stop at a park pond for a lively Bluegill, and that is entirely okay. Not everything needs to be a lifechanging experience to matter. I’m excited to start this journey, and I’ve definitely got some ideas of what I would like to do in some of the states still on my list. I want to catch White Sturgeon in Washington, handline blue crabs in Maryland, fish the Beaverkill in the Catskills of New York, and so many more grand adventures. But I’m nothing if not opportunistic. If I get an invite from a friend or acquaintance to go on a trip I didn’t expect, I’ll take it!

This year I have firmed up plans to add a couple more states, Iowa and Louisiana. I’ll be headed to Iowa next month with a friend of mine to scour the driftless for trout.  I’m hoping for a hat trick of browns, rainbows, and brook trout from the beautiful streams in the northeast corner of the state. In Louisiana, I’m hoping to chase redfish and sea trout in the gulf. If the opportunity presents itself, I’ll be sure to take advantage of other states that may come my way.

Deciding to put a name and a timeline on an undertaking like this is a huge commitment, made only to myself. I’m spilling over with excitement and at the same time nervous. I’m comfortable with not every state being a grand adventure, but at the same time, want to make as many memorable catches as possible. I’ve also started getting way ahead of myself by thinking about the last state. Which will it be? Will it be planned like a grand finale? Or a satisfying last catch with little fanfare? I’m torn between trying to plan a grand finale like tour of the last few states and just letting things fall into place. In any case, This is the adventure that will last a lifetime, and I very much look forward to the places and people I can share it with.