Everything Outdoors with Chalen

Waiting for a Deer

by , on
December 10, 2022

I sit here fingers freezing,

Nose running, often sneezing,

Listening around me for a sound I’d like to hear,

Sitting in the woods, waiting for a deer.

I hear a squirrel rustling,

Birds chirping, flying, bustling,

The woodland life around me continues drawing near,

And I am sitting, watching, waiting for a deer.

Now the light is getting dimmer,

Shadows growing getting slimmer,

And now my time to sit is running out I fear,

I wonder will I always be waiting for a deer?

I’m out of light to borrow,

better luck may come tomorrow,

or maybe in a week, or not until next year,

but I’ll be sitting patient, waiting for a deer.